Striving for Glory


God's glory, that is. Here at school we have accountability groups that meet every Monday morning, and part of what we do is summarize the last week in a word, and try to look forward and summarize the next week in a word. My word for last week was "refocus." It seemed fitting, as the last week was about refocusing what I depend on, what I need, where my focus is placed, and all of that. Looking forward to this week, I chose the word "malleable." My prayer for this week is that I would be shaped, sculpted by God, re-formed, molded into what He wants me to be. I don't know right now if God has something drastic in mind for me or if it will be something small. All that I know is that I need to be open to whatever He is going to do.

Sarah and Judith are back which is awesome, I went to watch the Colts-Ravens game at the McCray's on Saturday and the Colts won, which was awesome, and I have had a couple of really good talks with a couple of different people about what's been going on with me here at school, which was really good. So overall, the past few days have actually been more of a blessing than anything else.

Western Civilizations I class started today, with Dr. Bill Federer. He's a great teacher, and this is a very interesting subject. Should be a fun class.

Friends, what can I say...I can only say it so many ways. Thank you all so much for understanding where I'm at right now, and being willing to encourage me and lift me up, but not afraid to challenge me on things that I need to change. Love you all and I thank God for you!


Eilonwy said...

Awwww.... no problem, kid. We love ya.

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