Day 1


Another change of plans: I'm going to post short posts every night in a digest, and then when I get home I'm going to post the full version that i am writing down.
That said, here goes.

Today started the SAT for Sodrel. Started working as soon as we got here, and am just now going to bed. Did the normal SAT stuff- phone banking, literature, sign waving. Had a debrief with the other guys, and now time to sleep. Tomorrow will be more interesting.

October 31, 2008
Barnabas Lodge, Jeffersonville, IN

Today was the start of the Student Action Team for Mike Sodrel. Arrived in Jeffersonville around 11:30 and got to work right away. Did the typical stuff - phone banking, folding literature, and sign waving. I led a debrief for the guys. We went over what we learned today, what we wanted to keep each other responsible in, and what we are going to do this week. We talked about what our attitudes need to be toward our fellow volunteers, the girls. I encouraged them to remember 1 Timothy 4:12 and to be leaders. It's been a long day, the first of many to come.

I'm on my way now. I've had a great couple days leading up to today. I'm praying that God will give me grace for this next week on the campaign trail, for strength and endurance in the days ahead. I appreciate the prayers of you all.

Change in plans...


Due to some changing plans, I will most likely not be able to post every night. I will post what I can, when I can, and will post from my cell phone still, but daily digests may not be up every day. I will definitely post for every day, but not necessarily on that day. Comments would be appreciated, any encouragement would be awesome.

What's coming up/Some thoughts on Driscoll's recent sermons


I will be campaigning for Mike Sodrel for Congress starting on Friday. It will be a rough campaign against Baron Hill in District 7, around Jeffersonville. I intend to post daily a digest of the day, what God has shown me, what I have learned, prayer requests, etc. Lord willing that should be up before midnight every night. I will also try to post some pictures and short posts from my phone of interesting happenings or people.

Listening to Mark Driscoll's sermons on the Song of Solomon has been revealing. I am learning how I need to treat my future wife, while at the same time I am learning how to prepare myself for my future wife. Some randomish thoughts, not neccesarily in order of sermon:

  • My standard of beauty is my wife. 
    • If I don't have a wife, then I can't have a standard of beauty. This extends to my wife before we are married - when I know who God wants me to marry, that is my standard of beauty for the rest of my life.
    • As my wife changes, my standard of beauty will change.
  • I must serve my wife.
    • While I am to be the leader of the home, I am to serve my wife. Serving my wife will include spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
  • Mark Driscoll: "See, it isn't French kissing at all. It's Biblical kissing." (On Song of Solomon 4:11)


I now have unlimited texting, so I plan to post to my blog more often now. I've been listening to Mark Driscoll's sermons every week, they are available as a podcast on iTunes. He is going through the Song of Solomon right now. I will post some thoughts on that later.

Session Eight - John Piper (Is There Christian Eloquence? Clear Words and the Wonder of the Cross)


(I Corinthians 1:17, 2:1)
(Colossians 3:17)

There is a way of speaking that takes away from the power of the Gospel.

Everybody can have an "eloquence problem," its not a matter of education or not.

Paul isn't rejecting eloquence, but the use of eloquence to exalt oneself above the power and glory of the cross.

Two-pronged criteria:
- All about being clever
- Failing to use language for Christ's glory?

How am I using my words?
- To make me look good, smart, or clever?
- Or to exalt Christ?

Reasons to use eloquence:

  1. May keep people focused - help their weaknesses
  2. May bring an adversary into agreement/respect
  3. May stimulate emotional/physical sensitivity
  4. May increase impact by memory
  5. Can increase the power of words
Yes, there is Christian eloquence. Faith comes by hearing the Word. The Word is eloquent.

God will glorify Himself either through or despite my eloquence. He is sovereign. In my worst moments He can save a sinner.

Session Seven - Paul Tripp (War of Words: Getting to the Heart for God's Sake)

Luke 6:43 - The Bible teaches to my heart. [My heart is my soul/spirit]

Rather than saying "I didn't mean that" say "Will you forgive me for saying what I meant?" After all, nobody says anything that wasn't in their heart to begin with.

My greatest communication problem is me.

Sin is fundamentally anti-social.

God has invested words with power - we are not to abuse it. My words can destroy a person. (Galatians 5:13)

Love -

"Willing self-sacrifice for the good of another that does not demand reciprocation or that the person being loved is deserving." - Paul Tripp

Session Six - Kauflin, Piper, Taylor, Tripp (Panel Discussion - Piper, Tripp, Kauflin, and Taylor

- Forget myself, don't look for others praise. I can crucify my want for praise when it comes up - I must not gratify it.

Session Five - Daniel Taylor (The Life-Shaping Power of Story: God’s and Ours)

"The single best way of conceiving of faith is through a story of which you are the main character." - Daniel Taylor
This is the best way because:

  • God created us as story-creatures
  • Stories make connections
  • Propositions (hypotheses) are the "shorthand" for the stories
  • Stories create communities
  • We are created for stories
    • our brains store stories best
    • made to be in a relationship - best way to communicate is through story
  • Each of us needs a "master story"
  • Stories are about choices and their consequences
  • Stories call us to action
  • Stories have the power to change us
  • Stories are strong and complex enough to contain pain, failure, and mystery
  • Stories are the foundation for meaning and significance

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