

when all around me is crashing like waves against a cliff, when the stress is too much for me to handle on my own -- God I look to You. when everything seems like a storm, lightning and thunder and tornado and like a hurricane in my soul, You alone can give me peace. Peace like a river can consume my soul, peace like still waters and green pastures. though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because you are with me. When I am falsely accused I will not fear justice, because You are the justice-giver, great God Almighty. I love You and serve You and You alone, You will protect me, Your rod and staff will comfort me and they will indeed provide the security to give me peace for my soul. You fill my cup and it runs over with Your grace and goodness to me, Your promises are everlasting, Almighty and True is Your Word, I love my great and all-powerful God, great and awesome is He. One day He is coming again, until that day I will wait, looking forward to it with Joy and longing. You grant me Your peace, Your promise I claim as mine. When I feel as though I'm on a tempest tossed ocean, all alone, You cover me and lift me with Your hand, and I can feel peace. Peace in Your word, peace through Your promises, peace through Your Son -- and peace through the Holy Spirit, messenger of God given to me. Peace like a quiet rain, peace like a mother's touch, peace like a gentle breeze blowing, peace like a calm lake at sunrise. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Glory Revealed


Sometimes I wake up early in the morning
I see the sun rising, in all of its glory
Shining brightly, spreading light throughout the heaven
It shouts His glory and His praise -- Creator God

Late at night, when I look to the stars above
I see the handiwork of the Mighty One
Lord of all His creation -- Loving Father
If I did not speak in praise, stones would cry out!

The green grass growing, blue water swiftly flowing
Stately oaks, majestic elms, great sequoias
A whisper, a shout, a song -- You brought them forth
Ex nihilim -- out of nothing You created all

I laugh when I feel the rain fall on my skin
Thank You for Your promise -- rainbow in heaven
I swim in the river, then bask in the sun
Your glory, explained by the light of Your Word

     All points to You -- the Creator and Maker
     Heaven and Earth bow down
     Declaring Your praises
     Here below.

Deep Thoughts...Deep Prayer...Hard Battle


It sucks when spiritual warfare hits close. I mean, it's what I've been asking God to do with my life. It's what God wants me to do with my life. Preaching the truth to the world, no matter what the cost, no matter what the price. But it's hard, and it hurts, when your own friends are the one's you have to fight. God, give me strength and grace. I can't do this.

When the truth comes out before my eyes
And it's not what I thought it would be
When the truth comes out, and it's all lies
God, what do I do? Only You, not Me
Can help me now, I'm hurt and weary.

What can I say, what can I do?
Spiritual battle is Your will for me, I know
Your Word I'll say, 'cuz Your Word is true
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, You show
Your love through Him, He was brought low.

Your love, Your peace, Your grace
Are the only things that keep me going
I'll fight the fight, I'll run that race
With power, because You are showing
Me the straight and narrow path to tread.

Glory to God, King of Kings
Ashle-Deio, Your will work in me
Undule-Sheio, to You the choir sings
Beautiful Savior, You died so I am free
To worship You, and live with You, in glory.

Come quickly, Christ Jesus, come marry Your bride
I'm impatient, I know, and I'll wait if I must
You've got things for me to conquer, like my pride
God, I'm ready. So can't you just
Come now? Why wait? God, I'm ready.

I'm ready for Your return, Christ Jesus. Come quickly.

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