Brief snippet of life...


Went home last weekend, and had a really good talk Saturday afternoon
with Drew and Heather...cleared up some misunderstandings and stuff,
and hung out. There was a conference going on at College Park, so I
caught the last part of that. One of the highlights of my day was the
concert by Fernando Ortega Saturday night. That was awesome...his CDs
don't do him justice. He is one of those artists that is WAY better
live than recorded.

Sent from my iPod

Should be done now...


Ok...all the changes and updates should be set for my blog now. That was definitely a crazy set of the same time that I transferred my blog to my domain, my source for theme elements (the server that was hosting them) disappeared. For a little while I wasn't sure what the problem was, but I got it figured out eventually. Interesting fact...the last few themes I've had I found online and then heavily edited, to the point that I was making code changes significant enough that the theme becomes mine, thus I don't credit the original source. I'm not trying to steal anything here, I just feel that after a certain point of editing heavily the work becomes my own.

Let me know what you think about the new look and slightly different feel - I'm open to making a few more changes if I need to!

New look, new address...


After some minor trouble and much annoyance, I now have my own domain, some free web hosting, I'm looking forward to hosting my own web server soon, and life is moving briskly!

I had to completely redo my blog themes and everything, because the server that I was pulling my theme elements from is giving me 404 errors. So, I just simplified it, and we'll see what I can do with it in the near future. The main thing that is different about my blog is that the domain has changed: My blog is now at, as you can see above.

I'm toying with the idea of starting a vlog...if I do I will throw up some links to it on here. Let me know what you think...if that's an interesting idea or what. My picture blog is pretty much a fail...mainly due to the fact that I really don't have a lot of pictures that I take...really, I don't...

May the Lord bless you today!

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