C&C Retreat '09 - Guy's Session - Brent Aucoin


Guys are supposed to be leaders -- one of my God-given purposes as a man.

    ⁃    Chaos (In the beginning, God created a mess)
    ⁃    Formless
    ⁃    Empty   
    ⁃    Dark
    ⁃    God changed the chaos into cosmology by His word
    ⁃    Why? Why this way? (Chaos to cosmos by His Word)
    ⁃    [Only God can decrease entropy from chaos.]
    ⁃    [Part of God's plan.]
    ⁃    God does this all the time - He brings people from chaos into order (following His will) by His Word
    ⁃    "Image/Likeness" [In the Ancient Near East, these exact same terms are used by the kings when erecting statues - we are images of God's rule here on Earth!]
    ⁃    Visible representative of the invisible God
    ⁃    Babel -- (confusion) Mankind confused their purpose -- they were representing themselves rather than God
    ⁃    If I am trying to please myself, representing myself rather than God, it will only end of in chaos and confusion.
    ⁃    As a representative of God, my first thought needs to be just that. When a girl sees me her first thought shouldn't be "Cute guy," but "Image of God."
    ⁃    Priests of God [representative of God/mediator]
    ⁃    Christ is the "exact imprint" of God -- He is the exact representation of the invisible God
I Peter
    ⁃    Chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation [still the visible representative of the invisible God]
    ⁃     Specific set of behaviors

When does a boy become a man?
1. Spiritual maturity sufficient to lead a wife and children.
    - Samson was definitely not ready to lead. Am I? When will I be ready?
        - Bible reading, prayer. Good place to start.
2. Personal maturity sufficient to be a responsible husband and father.
    - Unless I am gifted with celibacy, I am going to be a husband and father. Channels what God has given me to invest myself in my wife and children.
3. Economic maturity sufficient to hold an adult job and handle money.
    - How am I using my money? Am I saving? Am I spending i on pleasure?
4. Physical maturity sufficient to work and protect a family.
5. Sexual maturity sufficient to marry and fulfill God's purposes.
    - Don't confuse the purpose of sex. It is vital that it only happens in marriage. [Chaos and confusion if this gift is used outside of marriage.]
6. Moral maturity sufficient to lead as example of righteousness.
7. Ethical maturity sufficient to make responsible decisions.
8. Worldview maturity sufficient to understand what is really important.
9. Relational maturity sufficient to understand and respect others.
10. Social maturity sufficient to make a contribution to society.
    - Serve in my church now -- if I can't do this now, am I going to do this when I am married?
11. Verbal maturity sufficient to communicate and articulate as a man.
12. Character maturity sufficient to demonstrate courage under fire.
13. Biblical maturity sufficient to lead at some level in the church.

Session One from the C&C Retreat '09 - Brent Aucoin

Wow it's been a long time since I posted...here goes. Lord willing I will be starting up more regularly again.

    •    The person of Samson is the climax of the cycle failure of God's people in the book of Judges.
    •    The "climax" is one of a great tragedy in that Samson is clueless to his special calling even though God continues to give him opportunities to see what he s supposed to be.
    •    Instead, Samson is self absorbed with his sexual appetites and lusts.
    •    Samson whose name means "sun like" or "light" ironically ends up in the "dark" as he is blinded in the end as testimony to his spiritual blindness manifested through much of his life.
    •    Samson also represents the deterioration of the entire population of God's people at that time.
    •    Then, God's people, just like their "deliverer" Samson, were blind to their special calling of God to be god's light to the nations as a people -- even though God had constantly prodded them and had been gracious to them.

Judges 13
Manoah's wife did not tell her husband everything that the Angel of the Lord told her -- she did not tell him that Samson was to "begin to deliver Israel."

- Samson had a special calling and a special set of behaviors (he was a Nazirite from birth) but he did not know his purpose. What would I do if I didn't know my purpose when the day that I was to fulfill it comes?

Samson has no clue what his purpose is (Judges 14) but God is working every turn of the story for His purpose for Samson -- through Samson's desire for the Philistine woman God is going to begin to deliver Israel.

Samson's focus is always on pleasing himself. After every encounter with the Philistines, Samson always heads toward the woman -- his focus is wrong.

Samson and Delilah -- Samson gives into Delilah although he won't give in to the Lord's purpose for him.

Samson's strength was not in his hair -- his strength cam from the Lord, but the Lord left Samson when his hair was cut off.

What were the dangers of Samson not understanding and not living for his special purpose? What are the dangers of us not grasping our scripturally defined purpose?

With no purpose (or no understanding of purpose) my life could be just like a Saturday with no objective -- I will end up self absorbed and in defiance of God's plan for me.

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