Session Four - Mark Driscoll (How Sharp the Edge? Christ, Controversy, and Cutting Words)


Christians are to feed the sheep.

  • Not be friendly to wolves
  • Rebuke the pigs (swine)
    • The pigs are people who don't act like Christians
"We use good words for good things and bad words for bad things and when we use good words for bad things it just confuses everybody." - Mark Driscoll
Shoot the wolves (false teachers)
  • Wolves need to be blown up, but sheep need to be shepherded. (Matthew 23 - "Jesus shoots the wolves")
"The problem is some people won't fight; the problem is some people won't stop fighting." - Mark Driscoll
"They were saying a little circumcision brings you closer brings you closer to God, he [Paul] was saying that they should go varsity." - Mark Driscoll on Galations 5:11-13
"You say a Pharisee's mom shagged the Devil and it's on. Always." - Mark Driscoll on Matthew 23
"Good morning Lord, it's me again. CURSE ERASMUS!" - Mark Driscoll paraphrasing Martin Luther
  • Bark at the dogs
    • Religion is not ridiculous
      • Jesus and religion are different
"...those white-shirted boys driving their bikes to hell." - Mark Driscoll defining Mormons
  • Pray for the Shepherds
    • Pastors have a difficult job - they have to decide who is a sheep, pig, or wolf.

Session Three - Bob Kauflin (Words of Wonder: What Happens When We Sing?)

What happens when we sing?

Luther - we should have his passion for singing, but not his attitude towards those who do not enjoy singing.

We worship a triune God who sings, and wants us to be like Him.

Music and words are not meant to clash or undermine or supersede each other, but to use both for god's glory. Music was made to complement the words.

  • Singing can help us remember words.
Melodies must be effective - not bland, but not too hard to remember.

It matters not only what music, but what words we sing. The words are most vital. The words of the song should reflect the Word - they should have the principles in the Bible.

  • Singing can help us engage emotionally.
Major key + fast tempo is "happy music."
Beats, songs, other aspects are greatly influenced by the culture.

I need to be rock-solid on what is in the Word, and use discretion and wisdom in what the Word does not discuss specifically.

The mood of the music should match the words.

Singing should be an emotional event - it enables us to connect theologically profound truths with our love and passion for the Lord.

  • Singing can help us use words to demonstrate and express our unity.
People sing together in all sorts of weird places. Single thoughts are better sung together than changted together, if bonding is to occur.

Believers can express their common belief together through singing.

The purpose of instruments is to support the words of the song.

Musical creativity in the church has its limits.

We must be clear that it is the Gospel and not music that unites us.

Session Two - Driscoll, Ferguson, Piper (Speaker Panel)

Points on session one:
   - Teachers will be judged more strictly than those they teach.
   - The first step must be asking God for wisdom.

Communication is:
   - Instant
   - Constant
   - Permanent
Be careful what you say, you have to live with it forever!

Micah 7 - God will execute judgment for me, even in His displeasure with me.

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism
   - Oprah, many others
   - Feel-good religion

Session One - Sinclair Ferguson (The Tongue, the Bridle, and the Blessing of God: An Exposition of James 3:1-12)

The practical purpose of Scripture is to make us mature (mature Christians).

A perfect man can control his tongue entirely.

In order to become a mature Christian i need to learn to bridle my tongue.

Bridling the tongue includes not only knowing what words to say, but when to speak and when to remain silent.

The tongue:
    Difficult to tame
    Inordinate power (tiny, yet strong)
    Is a destructive powerhouse
    Is plagued by deadly inconsistency.

Here's what I'm going to do...

Okay, I'm going to post my notes for each session, with the first session's post coming right after this one. I will link the title of each post to the Desiring God conference audio/video download page for that message, so if you want to listen or download the session you can do so easily. I pray that this will be a blessing to anyone and everyone who visits.

A new focus for my life...


I just got back from the Desiring God Conference in Minneapolis this morning. I don't have time right now to say what my new focus is, but that will be up soon. I will just say, that going to this conference and watching and listening to all of the speakers was awesome. I don't use that word lightly. It has given me a new perspective for life and a new perspective on why I am alive.

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