And the second follows the first...


Do you ever think about how much your tastes change over the years? I mean...just a couple years ago I would have DIED if all I had gotten for Christmas was clothes, yet that was all that I was hoping for this year...though I guess it has a lot to do with what you really need, if you actually need something. Anyway, Christmas morning was a blast, I got clothes and a huge box of JUNK FOOD to take with me to college next week :D Downloaded the Titanic Soundtrack...gonna zone out to that while we drive a couple our relatives for Christmas dinner and hanging out. I'll be taking my guitar and 'Book, of course We'll see how the night goes. How did you fare? Did you get things that you need, or did you just get more STUFF that you wanted? Think about it...and hit up that comment button!

Merry Christmas!


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