Day 4


The rest of the day went well. We finally got to eat, after waiting for what seemed like forever. It was a long day today, yelling my head off was probably a bad idea, my voice is gone. My throat hurts. Melissa was awesome, she treated several of us to Starbucks. Her dad brought mine back to the lodge as I don't stay at the house with the girls. We played some card games and a new game based on questions. Fun times. We had a good time of prayer.

November 3, 2008
Barnabas Lodge, Jeffersonville, IN

Today was the last big push. We traveled on a tour bus to several different locations. We waved signs, yelled our heads off, and did lit drops. We cheered for Sodrel at a rally, a press conference, and at a coffee shop rally. A lot of our time today was spent on the bus. I learned that the man with the iPod is truly the man in demand...Some funny things: while on the bus, I "treated" (or tortured) the back of the bus with my impersonations of Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, Josh Turner, Toby Keith, and tobyMac. Fun times, good laughs. At the end of the day we played games at the Lodge. I learned a new game, "The Question Game." So much fun. 


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that it would have been a treat but your voice was gone so....

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