Awesome God


I'm sitting on a bench in the park - it is the first time that I have been outside today. It's a little warm, but not uncomfortably so, and there is a cool breeze blowing. It has been a dull day, without much to differentiate this day from any other. I have been thinking a lot today - more than usual.

What is it that makes me different than the people that I learn from? Am I nothing more than the sum of my parts? Or am a a new creation, altogether different because of the conglomeration of teachers that I have had? I am unique in Christ - but what does that mean?

I know that I am unlike any other person - I am unique. At the same time, I have a lot of the same character traits of my grandfather, I look like my mom and dad, and much of what I believe has been taught to me. Very little of what I know did I discover for myself. The same things could probably be said of every person on Earth. So am I really that different?

Am i special? If I am more than the sum of my parts, then yes, I am special. If I am not, then I and everyone that I know are in essence the same. I believe that not only am I greater than what I am made of, but that God has a specific purpose for me. That makes me special.

Everyone is special, I suppose...Do you know the line that goes: "I'm unique - just like everyone else!"? It's cheesy, but in essence it is true. God has made each person in the same way - we are each sculpted by our surroundings, by the people that He has put us with, and even the DNA that we are made of is not a pure strain from one person. Yet, in the similarity lies the differences. All of the little factors that make up the whole make each of us different.

I am humbled by the greatness of my Heavenly Father...that He would create me...

May I always be His servant.


CBG said...

Hmm, its kind of like we are all snow flakes. At first, they all look the same, and they are all made of the same stuff... but when you look at them up close, they are so different and each beautiful. Its hard to say what makes them different. Maybe its just the creativity of God because He seems to like variety in all His creation. Maybe there is actually some sort of natural process that makes them different. Which ever it is, they are different and we can enjoy them for that simple fact.

Joshua I. said...

Good thoughts. It is pretty amazing that God is so creative with such basic things as spirit soul and body. He knows how to do it.

Eilonwy said...

Was I sitting next to you on that bench in the park? Writing bios and listening to music?

Alexander said...

@Eilonwy sure were ;)

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