More to come...


This is my life. Pretty much all I need is right here, with me right now. iPod, MacBook, guitar, headphones, messenger bag, journal, Mountain Dew. Not in that order, but you get the idea.

My goal is to get back into mobile blogging. I used to post random stuff for no reason that was really lame. To repeat that is not part of my goal. I'm also trying to get away from Facebook, so I intend to post more often here.

Going back to my old church was good. I saw some old friends, recognized a lot of people, and was blessed and encouraged by the teaching. I want to go again next week, when the Sunday School is going again. Today as a fellowship day because of Thanksgiving.

All things considered, it's been a good day so far. I'm looking forward to hanging with some of my best friends for the rest of the day, probably play some guitar, maybe go to Starbucks. A good day.

All ye mah peoples - I love you. Have an awesome life and don't be stupid.


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