More thoughts on yesterday :)


It was a huge blessing to be able to go to my old church yesterday. I was greatly encouraged and uplifted by the worship. The message was solid and beneficial. I don't know if it's where God wants me to end up or not, but it definitely seems like a possibility. There are a couple of other churches that I may try to visit, or I may put the whole thing on hold until after college - it's up to God. I'm just following His leading one day at a time.

I've been praying about changing my major, and God seems to be pointing in that direction so far. I'm going to call some people later today or tomorrow, and get their advice and prayer support, and then keep praying for a week. I'll make a decision next week, and give the ol' school a call depending on what God leads.

Drove down to Louisville today to take my sisters to their harp testing, and I'm about to head back home. It's been a long day...prayer for my alertness and safety on the drive home would be awesome!

Love y'all.


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