Recently I had the opportunity to watch the movie Fireproof. It is a very powerful, convicting movie.
It isn't often that I watch a movie and it changes my whole mindset...that the movie "speaks" to me, if you will. In fact, I don't think that I have ever been impacted by another movie in even close to the level that this movie hit me. Over the past two years, God has gotten my attention in various ways when I start drifting away from Him. I believe that He is using the events in my life right now to get my focus back where it belongs. I have taken my eyes off of my Savior in the past few months, and that has to change.
[Warning: Spoiler about the movie Fireproof]
In the movie, the main character, "Caleb" is having marital problems with his wife. The relationship that he thought he and his wife has is gone - it had been based on feelings that were rather dormant or even nonexistent now. The main point of the movie is that only when Caleb "finds God" and establishes a relationship with Him does his marriage start to get better. When Caleb's wife becomes a Christian as well then they are able to build their relationship with each other, within their relationship with Christ.
The movie brought home the fact to me that my focus had not been on God, and on building my relationship with God. I had let my focus wander off of God and was trying to establish a relationship on my own. I realize now that that sort of relationship is wrong.
In the past few weeks I've come a long way. I have much work to do, I have much time to spend in God's Word before I will be able to discern God's will for my life, but I know one thing. I am God's, He is mine, and when I stay in God's will He will protect, guide, and care for me through my life. No matter what the future may hold, God is my guide, He is my compass, and I will follow Him.
Great movie.
Very convicting.
I have watched it twice the week while muli-tasking.
The overwhelming sense of true love, as in expecting nothing in return and choosing to love the person no matter what, is incredibly powerful.
My favorite quote:
"Don't just follow your heart, because your heart can be deceived. You gotta LEAD your heart." - Michael
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