Notes and Thoughts - GMAA Session 4


Alex and Brett Harris

  • What is the difference between the challenges of my childhood and the challenges I am facing now?
    • The challenges are equal. (They have equal difficulty.)
  • The real question is "How do I respond differently?" [or How am I responding differently]
    • The older we get the easier it is for us to excuse ourselves for things - i.e., "I'm just not a math person." This immediately stems from the low expectations that exist for teens in this culture - if it was expected then the difficulty would be overcome.
  • God is not glorified when I do not overcome the difficulties He puts in my life.
  • In order to grow I must continue to overcome difficulties. (Muscles grow stronger when you work them out.)

What is the "do hard things mentality"?
  • Fighting sin in my life.
  • The right thing is harder than the wrong thing.
  • Battling discouragement and complacency.
  • God has designed my spiritual strength to grow by exertion.
  • Doing more than what is required.
  • Getting over my fear of failure.
  • It looks different for each person.
  • It is different for men and women.
  • Most often means doing the small things.
  • The things that most people will not see.
  • Is my best life.
  • Not my easiest - the best is not the easiest nearly every time.


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