You spin me right round...


On and on and on and on and on...why can't I just step off for a minute to catch my breath? The past couple weeks have just flown by in a blur. US History I was a lot of fun with Mr Miller, but I had a hard time finding time to study during the study week. Just too much to do, and I was not managing my time well either. I ended up working on coursework some of the time, but honestly...I don't know where a lot of the time went. It was one of those weeks that I felt busy all the time, but looking back on it I just don't know where the days went.

Overall, though, life has been going pretty well. I've been scrambling a lot, but that's not entirely my fault - Uncle Father Jim died, and there has been a lot of stuff going on with that, my family going out to California and all the stress involved with that. I have to go home and feed the cats every day...not a huge stress, just time consuming.

God has taught me so much over the past month, it's mind-boggling. Pretty much the only way I can deal with the sheer quantity I've been taught is to just realize that I've changed, continue living the way that I am an applying what I was taught, and not worry about it. To just continue to live moment by moment, every moment in God's will, striving for His glory in all that I do.


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