An Update...


Don't have anything special on my mind really. I just figured that it was about time for an update on my random thoughts and musings. I've been working on math for Verity, and while I am definitely not enjoying it, it is at least not torture. I have only to pass this class and then I have high hopes that I will not need to do another math class for the duration of my higher education. One can always hope.

I went to see David Barton speak the other night. It was the first time I have seen him in person, this was only his second trip to Indiana in 6 years. It was a very encouraging, energizing speech.

What else is up with life? Let's see...Yeah I'm over that, I'm looking forward to hanging with my friends this summer, I had a fun time at the nursing home last night (I had the same conversation - with a very nice old lady who also happened to be both diabetic and Irish - four times in a row), and I'm almost done with school for the semester. I am hoping to work full time this summer, or do some further CLEP tests. And that's about it...I will be going to the Nashville ATI Conference at the end of May and will surely post from that, but I am sure I will post between now and then.


Emily said...

Caileigh told me y'all were going to Nashville and I was jealous:) hehe. Hopefully I'll be taking my own trip down there soon. It's been too long since I last went.

James Staddon said...

I'm glad to finally get a hold of your blog!

I love your profile picture.

What's this thing about "a city boy stuck in the country"? We ought to trade places sometime; I'm a West Virginia hillbilly stuck in Chicago. :) It just aint fair.

Alexander said...

Lol yeah...born in SoCal...lived in LA and Orange County...then stuck in the Country :-(

But I guess I'm just content wherever God puts me :-)

Emily said...

I keep checking and checking and checking:) lol no pressure. haha

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