Well, I'm done with the rough draft of my research paper for PHC. I'm exhausted, so I'm not going to post much now, but I just wanted to point out that I put a link on the top left, with the other links in the title to my paper on Google Docs if anyone is interested. The topic is global warming...might be an interesting read. Who knows...
This is a very hot topic today, and so many people don't know the facts about global warming. It's refreshing to see that someone else understands that the so called "facts" in support of global warming are merely exaggerations and a times pure lies that environmentalists use to get the support of the general populace. With such facts, it's difficult to believe that anyone could be so naive as to actually believe in the nonsense of global warming, and you have presented many facts clearly and understandably into your essay. You did a very nice job. I hope you continue to write such articles to further educate those who have yet to be enlightened on the lie of global warming.
Thank you! I had not thought of writing more "such articles"...hmm, possibilities, possibilities. Now you have me thinking about what else I could write on.
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