Christmas is over...


Well, Christmas is over. It was a long day...I didn't get to sleep last night until close to three a.m.; I was wrapping presents. I had so much fun watching my family open my gifts to them! I was very excited to receive an electric epee. It is an upgrade over the one that I received last year. I have a feeling that having two epees will greatly adjust my mental game while fencing. I will not be so tense or nervouse regarding my only sword breaking or becoming damaged.

My family and myself went to our relatives in New Castle. I must admit...I did have fun inflicting a sort of revenge on my cousins. In years past, whatever room the "younger set" gathers in is dominated by annoying music and video games. I took a wierd sort of pleasure in playing my classical guitar all least it kept the noise levels down.

It's way past time for me to go to bed, we have guests for dinner tomorrow - or I guess tonight - for dinner, so I need to get some sleep at least.


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