Christmas is over...


Well, Christmas is over. It was a long day...I didn't get to sleep last night until close to three a.m.; I was wrapping presents. I had so much fun watching my family open my gifts to them! I was very excited to receive an electric epee. It is an upgrade over the one that I received last year. I have a feeling that having two epees will greatly adjust my mental game while fencing. I will not be so tense or nervouse regarding my only sword breaking or becoming damaged.

My family and myself went to our relatives in New Castle. I must admit...I did have fun inflicting a sort of revenge on my cousins. In years past, whatever room the "younger set" gathers in is dominated by annoying music and video games. I took a wierd sort of pleasure in playing my classical guitar all least it kept the noise levels down.

It's way past time for me to go to bed, we have guests for dinner tomorrow - or I guess tonight - for dinner, so I need to get some sleep at least.

Christmas Eve contemplations...


I'm feeling contemplative tonight...

I'm contemplating...
...a recent conversation with a friend.
...what my life needs to look like in order to accomplish certain goals.
...what my "lesser" goals need to be in order to accomplish my "greater" goals.
...the awesome gift that the Lord gave to me and all mankind: His Son, Jesus Christ., and how it is actually worth living if it is lived for Christ and follows God's will.

It's Christmas Eve, and my family and myself read the Christmas story (from Luke this year), and sang Christmas carols. (I had a random sisters both play harp, my brother plays piano, and I play both guitar and tin whistle. I could record my sisters playing harp, and myself playing tin whistle, and then get the necessary cables for our keyboard and my dad's guitar to connect them to a computer. My little brother could use the keyboard as a MIDI synthesiser, and I could play straight into the computer on the guitar. Between the four of us kids, we could have a quintet.) Now I'm sitting in my room, contemplating STUFF. In years past, I thought more about what I was getting rather than what I was giving. This year, however, I have a job. I have money from that job...or rather had money. I had a tremendous amount of fun shopping for my family. I have yet to even really wonder for more than a fleeting moment what I will be getting. That's a good shows that I have changed my mindset....

Anyway, I have to wrap those gifts now, and then probably get some sleep...or read some more of The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy. Good book, I will have to put up a "review" sometime.

Merry Christmas!

Time to rest for awhile...


Well, my paper is done. Soon I will upload the final draft to Google Docs, and then the link above will link to the final paper.

It's been a long few weeks...but I'm much relieved. Amazing how much stress was associated with this paper...I didn't get to bed until 4:30AM, but I feel refreshed and alert, ready to take on the world. I've been listening to some sermons of Mark Driscoll's, I will probably be posting on those soon. I need to put up a Christmas post too.

I applied for Verity; just got my acceptance paperwork yesterday. I need to fill it out and send it back.

I am looking forward to a rest for awhile, I've been working hard and am ready for a break. I don't have any classes until after Christmas, so I am finally starting to feel "in the Christmas spirit."

Late night...or early morning is more like it...


Figured I might as well post before I catch a nap before I head to church. I've been working hard on finishing back assignments for PHC; class ends on the 16th/19th (different due dates for final exam and final draft of my paper). Tonight I worked on the notes for my College & Career class at church. Myself and some of my friends took our sisters out for a brother/sister date night yesterday evening - which was just a few hours ago. We went to The Claddagh (an Irish pub with family dining as well), then to Butler for the Come Rejoice! concert. After the concert a unanimous decision was made to go downtown to The Chocolate Factory for drinks/dessert, and then pictures and just hanging out on the Circle. Caileigh and myself did not get home until after midnight; the shot of espresso that I added to my hot chocolate has been in my system for quite awhile, keeping me awake.

I'm almost positive that I will want to edit this post later, but who knows - or better yet, who really cares?

It's late...but it's done...for now...


Well, I'm done with the rough draft of my research paper for PHC. I'm exhausted, so I'm not going to post much now, but I just wanted to point out that I put a link on the top left, with the other links in the title to my paper on Google Docs if anyone is interested. The topic is global warming...might be an interesting read. Who knows...

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