Just Thinking...


Just thinking...
Over all the mistakes I have made in the past, and the recurring nature of them.
About how my life has been following a pattern, and what that pattern looks like.
Of why I keep making the same mistakes.
About how to get out of the cycle.
And wondering if the patterns in my life are all bad, all good, or a mixture.
About how to break bad patterns in my life.

Why do I make the same mistakes? Over and over I see myself do something that I have done before with bad consequences. My action may not be sin, but it is not beneficial either. Just because I can do something doesn't mean that I should. Mark Driscoll has mentioned several times in his sermon series on the Song of Solomon (The Peasant Princess) three criteria that should be considered before doing something:

  • Is it lawful? Meaning, is it not just strictly legal, but does the Bible expressly say that it is a sin? Does the Bible imply that it is a sin? If the Bible either expressly or by intimation says that it is a sin, then don't do it.
  • Does it violate your conscience? Not just your conscience, but anyone else who is or would be involved?
  • Is it beneficial? Not just not harmful, but does it do you and other good?
If I start applying these to my everyday life, to all of my actions, then I think that I will be able to break the bad patterns that I have been following. I will need to replace them with beneficial habits and patterns.

Done with my musings for now. The next few days are gonna be crazy - I will post on that tomorrow!


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