What people really mean...


At work today I heard "have a good Thanksgiving" many, many, times while carrying out groceries. As I worked and observed, I noticed a common theme...never once did anybody mention being grateful, rather, most people just complained about "having to do Thanksgiving" and "cook for the relatives."

Eventually, I saw another theme: every person that talked about having "a good Thanksgiving" equated "good Thanksgiving" with "opportunity to stuff my face with good food that I didn't have to cook, and not feeling guilty about it."

How sad and pathetic."Opportunity to stuff my face"? What happened to being thankful for what God has given us? What happened to being thankful for living in this great nation, the United States of America?

Am I this way? I do not think so. Here are some things that I am thankful for:

  •  My family - I don't always get along with them, but they keep me sharp in my faith. I don't always agree with them, but I love them, and they love me.
  • My friends - I don't make friends easily, but the ones I do have are true as steel. I know that they have my back, no matter what. I am very thankful for them.
  • My stuff - Yes, I am thankful for my stuff. God has blessed me with many things, I am thankful that He has.
  • My country - Even though I do not agree with all the political leaders, the USA is still, in my opinion, the best country in the world.
  • Soldiers in Iraq and elsewhere - They are the reason I can post and be free. They are the reason I can live without fear.
These are just some things. I think I have demonstrated my point - BE THANKFUL THIS THANKSGIVING. There are many things to be thankful for - perhaps you can post some things that you are thankful for in the comments.

Just Thinking...


Just thinking...
Over all the mistakes I have made in the past, and the recurring nature of them.
About how my life has been following a pattern, and what that pattern looks like.
Of why I keep making the same mistakes.
About how to get out of the cycle.
And wondering if the patterns in my life are all bad, all good, or a mixture.
About how to break bad patterns in my life.

Why do I make the same mistakes? Over and over I see myself do something that I have done before with bad consequences. My action may not be sin, but it is not beneficial either. Just because I can do something doesn't mean that I should. Mark Driscoll has mentioned several times in his sermon series on the Song of Solomon (The Peasant Princess) three criteria that should be considered before doing something:

  • Is it lawful? Meaning, is it not just strictly legal, but does the Bible expressly say that it is a sin? Does the Bible imply that it is a sin? If the Bible either expressly or by intimation says that it is a sin, then don't do it.
  • Does it violate your conscience? Not just your conscience, but anyone else who is or would be involved?
  • Is it beneficial? Not just not harmful, but does it do you and other good?
If I start applying these to my everyday life, to all of my actions, then I think that I will be able to break the bad patterns that I have been following. I will need to replace them with beneficial habits and patterns.

Done with my musings for now. The next few days are gonna be crazy - I will post on that tomorrow!

Click this title...


This is an email that was sent to me. I encourage you all to do this...it really is neat, and doesn't take much time at all.

"Something cool that Xerox is doing

If you go to this web site, www.LetsSayThanks.com, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! This is a great site. Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a second.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them..."

I'm Back


It's over. I'm home. I'm exhausted. I'm depressed. Over the next few days, I will post a digest of each day's events, backdating them to the correct day. For now I just want to say one thing: Last night the guys had one last debrief, after we knew who was our new president and after we knew that Sodrel lost. It was a quiet and somber time, but God gave me something to say then that I want to share now.

In Romans 8:28 we are told that all things work together for good, for those that love God. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plans that he has for us, and that those plans are good plans to prosper us and not to harm us, and to give us hope in the future and for the future. Taking these two verses together is really all that is keeping me from beating my head against the wall, or just sitting and crying my eyes out. I don't know how God is going to work what happened during the elections for good, but I know that He will, and I know that He is not just wandering aimlessly but has a plan. I have a hope in the future, because God gave it to me. He gives it to all who will take it from Him. I have claimed that promise.

When my mind has settled, and I have recovered somewhat from this past week, I will probably post some thoughts on why things went this way, thoughts about the week, and just stuff. Whatever the Lord wills.

Day 4


The rest of the day went well. We finally got to eat, after waiting for what seemed like forever. It was a long day today, yelling my head off was probably a bad idea, my voice is gone. My throat hurts. Melissa was awesome, she treated several of us to Starbucks. Her dad brought mine back to the lodge as I don't stay at the house with the girls. We played some card games and a new game based on questions. Fun times. We had a good time of prayer.

November 3, 2008
Barnabas Lodge, Jeffersonville, IN

Today was the last big push. We traveled on a tour bus to several different locations. We waved signs, yelled our heads off, and did lit drops. We cheered for Sodrel at a rally, a press conference, and at a coffee shop rally. A lot of our time today was spent on the bus. I learned that the man with the iPod is truly the man in demand...Some funny things: while on the bus, I "treated" (or tortured) the back of the bus with my impersonations of Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, Josh Turner, Toby Keith, and tobyMac. Fun times, good laughs. At the end of the day we played games at the Lodge. I learned a new game, "The Question Game." So much fun. 

Right now I'm sitting on the curb waiting to be picked up. We have done lit drops all day, and some sign waving and a press conference. It's been a long day, I'm ready to be done for the day. I remembered my ipod today for the bus, I forgot it yesterday. I will post again later.

Day 3


Today was another long day, but more fun then yesterday. Did a lot of lit dropping and phone banking. I obtained multiple t-shirts, as I need to bring at least one or two back with me. The only way I am able to get shirts is to wear them, so they all smell of Axe. Had some weird people answer the doors, but over all the responses were mostly positive. I talked to the guys about focusing on the positives and not the negatives of the campaign.

November 2, 2008
Barnabas Lodge, Jeffersonville, IN

We went to Church this morning at Graceland Baptist, the church hosting us. It was a typical Baptist service, with the whole focus on the altar call at the end. We had a little free time and lunch, and then we got back to work. The afternoon was pretty normal - we did literature drops and then phone banking. When we got back to the lodge, we played some games. After that I led another debrief, just talking over what we had done that day, and in prayer.

Day 2

Today was a long, hard day, but was very fun. Lit drops all day. My group- Mr and Mrs Steele, Kayla and Megan Steele, Drew, and myself. This is actually the first time that I have been with a parent chaperone on an SAT. Good, I guess, but not as much chances for having fun. The Steeles are fun, but not as much fun as Jeremey was last year. Anyway, today was lit drops, tomorrow is church and then whatever else we are needed for. Pray for ENERGY!

November 1, 2008
Barnabas Lodge, Jeffersonville, IN

Today started at around 7 am. Got up, showered, got ready for the day. We were taken to our different team locations on a tour bus and dropped off at our different points. My team was the last team on the list. We spent the morning knocking on doors and talking to people. We ate lunch at McDonalds (ugh) and got back to work. My team finished about two hours early and chillaxed at the pick up point until 6:30. We got picked up and, to shorten the story some, after a few delays and much embracing of chaos we got back to the Lodge. From there we went tot he Republican Campaign HQ in Jeffersonville to get dinner and for our evening debrief. Tomorrow we are going to church at the church that is hosting us: Graceland Baptist. We played some "Liar" aka "BS" and went back to the Lodge. We played "Spoons" (and forks and knives) and "Kemps" and the guys had our nightly debrief. Clayton led us tonight. He encouraged us to remember that while we may work hard, we need to pray even harder, because the outcome of this election is in God's hands. We eventually went to bed, but stayed up talking for hours. I am actually writing this on Sunday, as I fell asleep sometime last night before I wrote anything down. Until tomorrow's post...


It's just a little boring right now on the campaign trail. I'm just sitting waiting to be picked up with the rest of my group. We finished two hours early...GenJ efficiency for you. Well, that's why I'm here. To work hard and fast. I'm spending my time right now thinking over what I want to share with the guys in debrief tonight. Unfortunately I don't have my Bible with me. I need to remember to bring it with me tomorrow.

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