

I now have a Tumblr account. Click here to visit it. It is pretty cool, I think. the majority of my posts and traffic will be on there from here on out. My intention is to slowly phase this blog out, and to eventually use my personal domain (alexanderganahl.com) as a more business-type website, and keep creedofman.com as my personal blog, wherever I may host that blog.

Blogger has done me faithful service over the years, since 2007 when I created my first blogspot blog. Those were in the days before Google owned the world and we all sold our souls to be a part of the Google Universe. I will still be posting, for awhile at least, but let it be known that I have moved. Follow me over at http://www.creedofman.com!


Sean-Allen said...

So you'll be posting shorter posts more often? I like that idea.

Also - why "Creed of Man"?

Eilonwy said...

Wow. You've basically killed this blog, haven't you?

Alexander said...

Pretty much. More serious posts are still going to be here.

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