After some minor trouble and much annoyance, I now have my own domain, some free web hosting, I'm looking forward to hosting my own web server soon, and life is moving briskly!
I had to completely redo my blog themes and everything, because the server that I was pulling my theme elements from is giving me 404 errors. So, I just simplified it, and we'll see what I can do with it in the near future. The main thing that is different about my blog is that the domain has changed: My blog is now at http://cityboy319.alexanderganahl.com, as you can see above.
I'm toying with the idea of starting a vlog...if I do I will throw up some links to it on here. Let me know what you think...if that's an interesting idea or what. My picture blog is pretty much a fail...mainly due to the fact that I really don't have a lot of pictures that I take...really, I don't...
May the Lord bless you today!
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