The past few days have gone by in a blur...it made me stop and think -
for a moment - about how fast life will fly when I'm actually working
full time all the time, rather than just for a month. Only two more
days until the weekend, and the first 3 have gone by in a flash. It
seems like just yesterday was Sunday.
Anyway...life is full and fast but good. It was a blessing to get this
job, I needed a job that paid more than minimum wage and that would
give me full time hours, and that's what I got. So that's good. I'm
still praying about exactly what major I will switch to, but my
parent's and I are both sure that I will be switching. Right now my
parents think that I should major in both Journalism and English (go
back to school for another year) and I agree with them. The only thing
that we are still praying and deciding about is which major I should
get first...quite a quandary, right? I feel I should do Journalism and
then English, they feel I should do English first. However it works
out, I'm excited to be going back to school in January.
Another thing that I am praying about is going to the IHOP One Thing
Conference. I'd love to go, but God is gonna have to provide the funds/
transport etc for me to go. If He wants me there, He will do it. I'd
just appreciate prayer from y'all about that...thanks.
My dance partner Stephanie is going to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota on
Sunday, and we are not sure how long she will be there. Lord willing
less than a week. She could use a lot of prayer. Her attacks haven't
been as sever as when we were dancing, but it does seem that whenever
she swing dances with me she has an attack...I've had to really take
it easy when I'm swinging and spinning her around. On that note, I
love to dance but when I'm worried about her it does make it hard to
have fun ;) So prayer for an extra measure of grace for me would be
awesome. She's like my sister, and it's hard when someone you love is
in a lot of pain, ya know?
My love to all of you, I'm praying for you all!
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